Four Things Your Dentist Examines During Your Dental Checkup

Four Things Your Dentist Examines During Your Dental Checkup

Your oral health is an important part of your overall bodily health, since problems with your teeth and gums can lead to other medical concerns. In fact, regular dental checkups often provide some of the first indications of other health problems. As a result, it’s important to ensure that you maintain your regular schedule for dental exams – not just to ensure proper oral health, but to ensure that any potential health risks are identified as early as possible. But what does your dentist look for during these examinations? Here are four important things dentists want to see.

Strong Teeth, Restorations, and Jaw Alignment

Naturally, your dentist will be on the lookout for any problems with your teeth, or prior dental restorations like crowns or fillings. She will check to ensure that your teeth are strong, stable, and free from any unexpected wear and tear. In addition, every dentist looks for signs of possible decay, cracks, and other problems that are difficult for patients to detect on their own. The jaw’s health and alignment will also be examined, along with the spacing of your teeth.

Healthy-Looking Gums

Gum disease is another ailment that’s difficult for you to detect on your own. That’s just one reason why your dentist will carefully examine your gums to ensure that they are healthy. That means checking to make sure that they are naturally pink and firm, with no obvious swelling, tenderness, or other problematic concerns. She will examine them for signs of gum recession, and make sure that your teeth are not loose. Gum health is essential for overall bodily health, so this part of the examination is critical for preventing possible health problems in the future.

Pleasant Breath

Did you know your breath can signal health problems? It’s true! Not only can bad breath be a sign of dental decay or gum disease, but it can also be a major indicator of serious health conditions like diabetes. Your dentist will check your breath to ensure that it is either pleasant or neutral in odor.

Of course, this is one of those things that you can also check from time to time. You can either scrape your tongue and check the smell, or simply have a friend or loved one do it for you. Just remember that there are many factors that can affect your breath, so don’t panic if it’s not as pleasant as you’d prefer. Just talk to your dentist to see what might be causing any unpleasant odor.

Healthy Tissue Throughout the mouth

In addition to diabetes, your oral health examination can often provide signs of other health concerns – like oral cancer, heart disease, problems with your thyroid, or sinus ailments. During any exam, your dentist will look at all the tissue in your mouth to ensure that it is healthy.

At Ebenezer Dental, we take your dental examination very seriously, and are committed to helping you maintain a healthy mouth and body. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment and learn how the best dentist in midtown Manhattan can help you enjoy a healthier life.