
Seven Vital Things Every Denture Wearer Needs to Know

Dentures have long been an important tool for restoring patients’ teeth, appearance, and overall quality of life. For newcomers to dentures, however, wearing them may present a number of challenges. Many patients often find that the new dental prosthetics impact everything from their speech to eating habits, and they may find the adjustment process both unsettling and frustrating. If you’re a new denture wearer or are preparing to get dentures, here are seven critical things you need to know to help simplify that adjustment process.

Pay Attention to Your Diet

Sometimes, patients who have gone without teeth for a while may neglect good eating habits once their dentures are in place. While that’s understandable on a certain level, a failure to maintain a well-balanced diet can lead to other health problems. So, feel free to indulge in some of those foods you’re been missing – but don’t go overboard and neglect the healthy foods your body needs.

Recognize Which Foods are Difficult to Manage

You may find that some foods are more difficult to eat with dentures – especially when you first get them. Nuts, sticky foods, and soft, chewy delectable are likely to pose a challenge. Your best bet is to skip those treats and stick to healthier snacks like smoothies.

Don’t Forget to Clean Them

Dentures won’t decay like natural teeth, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need to be cleaned. They can still capture debris and bacteria that could cause other health problems. So be sure to soak them daily, and especially at night while you’re asleep. That will help to remove any plaque and bacteria and prevent oral infections and other complications.

Brushing is Still Important

In addition, brush each day, just as you did before you got your dentures. That will not only remove that harmful tartar and plaque but can help to prevent your dentures from being stained over time. Instead of toothpaste, however, use mild detergent or hand soap to clean them.

Practice Talking

You should also make sure you practice talking, to help acclimate yourself to the dentures. One option is to simply spend time each day reading out loud. It’s a great way to get your tongue used to interacting with your new dentures.

Drink Plenty of Liquid

You must stay hydrated to avoid bacterial buildup and problems like dry mouth. That’s especially important when you’re on medications that may cause dry mouth or are receiving treatment that impacts the salivary glands.

Stay in Touch with Your Dentist

Finally, don’t forget to continue to consult with the best dentist in midtown Manhattan as you go through your denture adjustment process. At Ebenezer Dental, our team is always here to ensure that you get acclimated to your new dentures as smoothly as possible and are ready to help in any way we can. Give us a call today to learn more about how you can quickly adjust to life as a denture wearer, or to schedule your next appointment.