Electric or Manual? Which Brushing and Flossing Options are Best?
When it comes to dental care, there’s probably no greater source of patient confusion than the decision about which type of toothbrush and floss to use. To a certain extent, this has always been true, but modern technology has made that decision even more difficult. Instead of being forced to choose between hard, medium, or soft bristle brushes, patients now have high-tech electrical devices as brushing options too. There are even electronic flossers. So, which is better – electric or manual?
The Electric Toothbrush vs Manual Brushes
If you’re trying to choose between these two brush options, it’s important to know the pros and cons of each:
Electric Toothbrushes: These devices can be bought for as little as $5 for some models, with more advanced brushes costing far more. Because they can save time by providing so many strokes in a minute (even the cheap ones offer around 6,000 brush strokes in that time), they are a great option for those who tend to neglect dental care.
On the downside, however, they do cost more than manual brushes, and patients need to still be sure that they adequately target each tooth to effectively clean them all. These brushes can also be uncomfortable for anyone with tooth or gum sensitivity, due to the strong vibrations. For those patients, the manual brush can offer more control.
Manual Toothbrushes: Manual toothbrushes are like an old friend; they’re familiar and trustworthy. They also give you precise control over your brushing, and allow you to determine where you brush as well as the amount of pressure that you bring to bear on those teeth and gums. They’re also less expensive on average – though some of those cheaper electric models are now almost comparable in cost. These brushes also don’t need their heads changed – though they should be replaced every few months.
There is a learning curve with the manual brushes, however, since you can’t just rely on vibrations to power your way through the brushing exercise. You need to know how to brush properly, and focus on the job with great care. In addition, the electric brush is often better for people who struggle to use their hands to brush – like arthritis patients, for instance.
The Electric Water flosser vs Traditional Floss
Electric water flossing tools and traditional floss are another issue entirely. Many experts believe that the electric versions may be easy to use, but they are less efficient at removing plaque. This is especially true for plaque that has started to build up. The best option in this case is to use regular floss to clean that plaque, and supplement with the water flosser if you want that added assurance.
At Ebenezer Dental, we believe that choosing the right dental hygiene tools is essential to making your oral maintenance routine a success. In the end, the options that you choose need to be right for your unique needs, so it always helps to get advice and input from the best dentist in midtown Manhattan. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment today, so that we can help to get you on the right track for sustainable oral health.