
Receding gums causes, prevention and treatments

At Ebenezer Dental, we are often visited by patients that are suffering from receding gums and want to know what they can do to treat it. Fortunately, Dr. Karen Kang, our dentist in Midtown Manhattan has the expertise to provide an effective treatment for the condition.

It is important though to understand why gums can recede and how you can prevent it from ever happening to you. Quite often, receding gums are caused by a bacterial infection that can destroy the tissue that helps hold your gums in place. In other cases however, it can simply be that you have had a family history of receding gums and the problems you are experiencing are caused by a condition that has been in the family for a few generations.

Interestingly, receding gums can also be caused by too much dental care and too little. Brushing your teeth in a manor that is aggressive or forceful can cause tooth enamel to wear away, thus forcing the gums to recede. A lack of dental care can also result in a receding gum problem. If you are looking for a dentist in Midtown West, then you should certainly consider coming by so we can keep an eye on your gums to make sure we spot the early signs they are receding.

Generally speaking, the best way to avoid receding gums is to make sure that you take good care of your oral hygiene on a daily basis. Make sure that you brush your teeth and even floss every day and you should be able to avoid any bacterial infections. If you are planning on coming to see Dr. Kang in Midtown West, then it is important you try and do that at least once a year so then you will know that you are on the right track.

If you are a smoker, there is a chance that smoking cigarettes could be causing your gum problems. Try and quit smoking and monitor any changes that occur in your oral health conditions or habits so then you can inform your dentist immediately. Also try and eat a well balanced diet so then you are eating foods that can improve oral health.

If you are unfortunate enough to still be effected by receding gums then there is no need to worry. Dr. Kang will be able to use deep cleaning techniques in order to clear away any signs of infection. This includes getting rid of any plaque or tartar that has been building up for a long time so then your gums have a chance to grow back to a healthy state. If however the gum recession is considered to be too severe, then surgery known as pocket depth reduction may be required. This involves lifting the gum and clearing out the infection before returning the gum tissue back to its original place.

If you do have any questions, then our Midtown Manhattan dentist practice has some oral health experts on hand who will be able to answer any questions you might have about the causes, prevention and treatment for receding gums.