Which Cosmetic Dentistry Solution is Right for You?

Which Cosmetic Dentistry Solution is Right for You?

We live in an age where people around the world can enjoy perfect smiles to an extent unimaginable just a few short decades ago. Professional dentistry offers a full range of cosmetic solutions that can resolve most aesthetic problems, restoring patient smiles and helping them to enjoy all the benefits that come with perfect teeth. Dental technology continues to evolve, with new improvements taking place on a regular basis. So, when your teeth need cosmetic attention, it’s important to understand your options so that you can determine which solution will best address your needs.

Teeth Misaligned? Try Invisalign Braces

Are you one of many adults who never had braces as a child, or who failed to properly follow aftercare instructions when your braces came off? Chances are that you have a few teeth that are not quite in their proper place. With invisalign braces, you can enjoy the benefits of braces as an adult, with nearly-invisible bracing technology that will help to straighten your teeth and obtain that perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of having.

Need White Teeth? Choose One-Hour Teeth Whitening

One-hour teeth whitening is exactly what the name implies: dental whitening that takes only an hour to complete. Your dentist can use whitening products that are superior to anything you’ll find in a pharmacy or big box store and will apply the treatment in a safe and effective manner. Most importantly, that treatment will give you teeth that are several shades whiter, in just an hour!

Minor Imperfections? Porcelain Veneers are the Solution

Do your teeth have chips or other minor imperfections that don’t rise to the level of major orthodontic treatment? If so, then your best option may be a set of porcelain veneers. These porcelain enhancements cover the outer layer of enamel on the teeth, helping to hide obvious defects and misalignments. That ensures that your smile will be dramatically improved with minimal effort!

Need a More Comprehensive Solution? Choose a Smile Makeover

Finally, there is the cosmetic smile makeover for those who may need a more comprehensive solution to imperfections and other dental problems. The makeover may require one or more appointments and can include treatment ranging from whitening or veneers to straightening efforts, implants, new crowns, and more. It’s a great option for any patient who wants to address multiple dental needs as part of a broader effort to obtain that perfect smile.

At Ebenezer Dental, Dr. Karen Kang and her team are committed to providing patients with the best dental solutions available anywhere in the area. To do that, we focus on providing quality general dentistry services, as well as cutting-edge cosmetic treatments that can address most common dental imperfections. Healthy and attractive teeth are essential for a happy lifestyle, so it is vital to entrust their care to seasoned professionals who are dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. To learn more about how the best dentist in midtown Manhattan can help improve your dental aesthetics, contact us today.